In consideration for my child being allowed to participate in Brooklearn programming and facility, I agree for myself, and/or my minor child, legal representatives, guests, family, caregivers and invitees, as applicable, to the following:

My name below certifies that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child or children whose name(s) will be participating in the  Brooklearn playspace. I hereby give my permission for my child to participate and play in the Brooklearn program, gym and facility. I understand that participation carries inherent risks, including but not limited to the kids gym, and I agree to hold Dumbo Playspace LLC its owners, officers, directors, employees harmless from any liability for any injury, harm, or loss that my child may suffer during his/her participation in Brooklearn.

There are certain inherent risks associated with the activities and playing at Brooklearn, and I hereby accept and assume any and all risks resulting from attendance and participation of my child in such activity and any injuries which occur from such activities.

I further understand and agree that Brooklearn retains the right to expel my child from the program if he/she engages in any conduct that is dangerous to another participant or to Brooklearn, employees or that is disruptive to Brooklearn.

The undersigned hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Brooklearn and its trustees, officers, employees, representatives, contractors, and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and liability whatsoever including costs and expenses, legal and otherwise, which in whole or in part arise from, relate to, or are associated with activities at Brooklearn, and release the Protected Parties from any of the Covered Claims and to waive any right to assert any of the Covered Claims against the Protected Parties in the future.